Thursday, February 28, 2013


Its the FINAL DAY!
Today is the (as yet) last book in the Premonition Series,

Cold, fine drops of rain fall softly on my cheeks as I emerge from the darkness of the ship’s interior to the gray, overcast sky of the main deck. Pulling my dark pea coat tighter to my body, the wind lifts red tendrils of my hair. I walk slowly to the railing overlooking the water.

I catch my first sight of the Irish coastline; its craggy landscape makes me shiver in dread. I find it difficult to imagine now how the Gancanagh had made this their home for so long without anyone realizing it. The cold, moss-covered edifices practically scream their presence. As I study the shadows between the falling-down stone, I imagine creeping shapes of undead Faeries grasping the rock, waiting for our ship to draw nearer to their position.

Tipping my face up, I let the rain wash over me. It bathes away the frigid sweat of fear that has broken on my brow. “You don’t know how fiercely beautiful you are, do you?” A quiet voice behind me asks, causing me to stiffen and fix my eyes on the rocks along the shoreline.

Oh my flipping holy monkeys! this installment of the premonition series was truly breathtaking and full of what the ef!-shocking moments. It will leave you hanging on the edge of your seat while your intestines do loop-de-loops inside of you from the amount of emotional b*tch slapping this book will put you through. ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS EVER! *happy dance* I'm in love ;)

That, *gestures above* was my review on goodreads directly after Incendiary came out (that I devoured the day of release thank you very much).
Now, as you can tell I had a very strong emotional reaction.... in fact, just thinking about it gives me a strong emotional reaction.
Over the past three books, I became used to the love square (o.O there ARE four involved after all)
but Amy decided to b*tch slap us and throw us ALL for a loop in the form of, not only Evie's father, but also Xavier and Anya.
And if you said you were expecting it, then you're full of sh*t because she didn't even stipulate in other books that there could possibly be other. So if you say you were expecting it, then what was your proof, eh??? o.O
But, now I have a problem (which I've already yelled at Amy for). I'm now stuck between wanting *couch* I mean being #TeamBrennus and #TeamXavier (again, not to be with Evie, but just because I LOVE THEM).
Anywho, as you all know, the series isn't finished yet (thank God).
BUT I have another question for you on this, our final day.
If you could make anything happen in the next book, what would it be?
What would you do if Amy decided to kill off either Russel, Anya, Brennus, Buns, Brownie, Z or all of them together? We don't have to be picky about which fictional character to slaughter lol.
I hope you all enjoyed the Four Days of Bartol!
Remember to support your authors by taking the time to review their work and
ALWAYS spread the Wickedness! (aka books for those of you who don't know).
Now here's your LAST chance to enter the giveaway!
Until next time (which happens to be tomorrow with another spotlight)
To purchase your copy of Incendiary for Kindle click HERE for Nook click HERE


  1. Well the kill off is easy for me I'd kill off Brennus hands down I'd do it twice if it were up to me. As far as anything could happen? Ugh thats so hard. Well I would love to read more Reed winning over Evie Soul that was such a awesome part of the last book and I'd love to read him spending more time trying to win that part of Evie over. I would also love to see Z and Bunns make a perm commitment to each other. I love those crazy kids.

    Becky Mutter

  2. I am so in love with Reed......but, I also have a soft spot in my heart for Russell. However, when you know you are supposed to be with someone and you actually go into shock and start craving them when they aren't around, then you know it is love.

  3. The soul mate..cause who ever that person is,he definitely deserves you.

  4. #1: I want Ruby to kick some major butt in this book & be unstoppable! I literally want her to be able to find all her power & have the ability to make others cower before her, even her father, Tau.
    I definitely need more of the story behind Tau & curious to see how that relationship plays out.
    Now that Russell has Anya... what happens with Xavier, another third wheel??? Does he die... maybe jumping in to save Evie?

    #2: If I had to choose it would obviously be Brennus, the time has come! lol

  5. I'd definitely pick Brennus to be killed off. I mean, enough is enough man. She doesn't love you, get over it, lets move on!! And I mean, everyone says that Brennus would be easy to kill, but yet here we are 3 books later and he still hasn't died. I'm tired of him. I want a new villain. Like, a REAL badass one that hates Evie and Reed's guts. Not another guy who just wants to get in her pants. I'd love to see a real villain! In response to the second question, I love reading about Reed and Evie :) I would NOT want to see Xavier end up with her. Ok I get it, they were totally in love before and my heart bleeds for him, it does, but the butterflies don't lie! As long as Reed and Evie stay together and end up together throughout the rest of the series, I will be one happy camper.

    1. Okay, but ya'll are forgetting about the Fallen who are trying to rip Evie's soul from her and destroy her in anyway possible in the hopes of getting back into heaven. Geesh Brennus really isn't the villain when you think about other things BESIDES the fact that Brennus has kept Evie away from Reed. If you think that Brennus should be killed off just because he wants Evie, then it should surmise that Russel should be killed off too. *evil laugh* Try arguing that logic ;)

    2. There's a difference, Russell isn't trying to change Evie into something she's not. He wouldn't harm her just for the sake of having her. And he is (or was?) Evie's soulmate so he has some grounds to be jealous. Brennus is just an obsessed fan. Don't worry, I know there are a TON of other villains to consider in this book. I'm just trying to explain, when I mean by a badass villain, I mean like .. the ultimate Fallen angel! One that wants to wreak havoc on all that is good. Not, you know, just Evie lol.

    3. Yea, ima agree with Elle. Brennus is all wrong in the head. I think you guys are forgetting what Brennus did to Evie in book 2 and 3. Sure he taught her magic, but does that justify kidnapping her and trying to turn her into a fairy vampire?? TEAM REED!!!!!

  6. Okay, so everyone is all bloodthirsty and wanting Brennus to die.... I admire the visciousness, HOWEVER I DONT want Brennus to die! What I would personally LOVE to see is him to become the ultimate reformed bad boy. To somehow have Evie have the power to save ALL THE FALLEN that want to be saved because, lets face it, this book is SOOOO much more than whom Evie chooses to be with. If Brennus HAS to die, then I would want it to be somehow honorable in order to make up for his past behavior. There, now I defended my boy and added a new perspective to the series that COULD happen, because, lets face it. The only reason a lot of you have a problem with Brennus is because he's kept Evie away from Reed :P Not a good enough reason to have his head put on a spike lol.

    1. Well when you really think about what he's done: kidnap Evie, keep her in a cave, force her against her will to turn her into this vampire fairy, abduct her BEST FRIEND and turn her into one of them because he thinks that's what Evie would want, blow up an Angel base, he'd also probably let his fellas rape her after he finishes with her himself, I'm sure i'm missing a bunch of other things but those are the top that come to mind. He's evil! Finn is the only one I could see as having redemption. Brennus is evil, knows he's evil, and does evil acts. Surely you can see why some of us Team Reed hates him so?

  7. I think it's time for Brennus to go! Evie can never be his unless she looses her soul. Frankly, I'm over the constant capturing of Evie by Brennus. It's been fun and exciting to read but it's also getting exhausting! I feel like I'm reading more about Brennus and Evie than Reed and Evie. She's only with Reed for a short amount of time before Brennus captures her and she's with him for the majority of the story and doesn't reconnect with Reed until close to the end. Besides, they are on the brink of war and Brennus keeps getting in the way because of his selfish desires to have Evie!

    1. Couldn't have said that better myself.

  8. Kill off Evie and keep all the guys for myself muhahahahaha ;) Just kidding, I'd be sad if any of them died.

  9. Brennus needs to die, so Evie and Reed can finaly be together!!

  10. I'm solid fan of Evie and Reed. Thank God Russel have Anya now, but what the heck.. xavier just appeared in the picture so, another third wheel huh!? I want to see Reed go full force badass attitude! Let reed kill brennus then let xavier challenge reed for evie.

  11. WOW! Who would I kill off? Can we kill off someone happily? :) Like Brennus dies but he goes back to his homeland and not as a vampire? I guess if someone is killed off it should be Tau (Evie's dad) he could die sacrificing himself for her. Xavier could maybe become attached to Brownie? Then everyone has someone! :)

  12. Brennus has to die. I'd love for Evie to heal him and he suddenly turns nice but his blood calls to her and I just want her to go heart and soul for Reed. We've all been hanging out for them to completely have each other since day one, please I need my happy ending!!!

  13. I THINK IT'D BE AWESOME IF XAVIER AND BRENNUS FOUGHT EACH OTHER TO THE DEATH AND THE WINNER WAS KILLED OFF BY REED!!!I need Brennus to die...if he doesn't, I'll probably leave the series with a bitter taste and will hate the paranormal world for a while...On the other hand, Xavier is also a creep and is almost worse than Brennus in some ways. Also, let's have Tau called back to Heaven OR have him totally reformed into a non-controlling-crazy dad. :) Happiness for all!

    1. Lol I love it!! TEAM REED ALL THE WAYY!! :D

  14. I want to know exactly what happened between Russel and Evie's souls to make them stray away from each other. WHY do Evie & Reed get butterflies when all of her past lives she's found her way to Russ... what happened?! I also want to know how Tau and Evie's mom got together. Did she know he was an angel? Did she sacrifice herself at some point so Evie could live? I definitely love the relationship between her and Reed and want more of it but in turn I love that she's all caught up in other men too.
    There's a thin line between love & hate when it comes to Brennus but if someone has to get axed... I guess he could go. Or I like the suggestion earlier up about Tau getting knocked off to save his daughter. In the end it'd be cool if they could all form an allegiance to protect humans from the fallen and evil creatures, that'd be cool. Maybe more books to come, a tv series, a movie... just saying! This would be a hott cast of characters!!

  15. Ummm...How about Xavier gets called back home. I'm tired of him already and he just entered the story. I can't really say what I hope happens besides that. As long as Evie and Reed are together in the end, that's all that matters! Absolutely Love these books..Can't wait for Iniquity! <3

  16. I like Brennus! I guess I'm a sucker for the under dog. Reed's great, but too easy and he really is always "a little too late!" Brennus always does what he says he's going to do, even if it's not so nice. I'm glad Russell found Anya, I was tired of that story line and Xavier, not sure yet. Doesn't Evie get tired of trying to please and love everyone? I know I would!!

    1. So if someone kidnapped you and kept you away from all that you loved you'd be fine with it?

  17. I prefer the soul mate! nothing beats that!!

  18. I have to say that I want Brennus dead!!! the sooner the better. I can't stand him anymore getting in the way of Reed and Evie and that obsession that he has with her is making me mad lol. I agree with everyone here Brennus MUST DIE!!! *Evil Laugh* and for teh other question I would love to see more of Evie, geting better in defending herself and kicking some butts. and of course she and Reed lots and lots of those scenes!!! TEAM REED!!!! yay
